Planning February 2018 Tips//Plan with Me

It seems that January is one of the longest yet quickest months, if that makes sense. As crazy as it is, February is tomorrow! Today’s post will be on some tips for the month of February and I how I plan out my month in my planner.

For starter’s, I made it a goal of mine to become more organized and have a planner with me throughout the year, so far it’s going pretty well, but this past week I was slightly slacking off. However, for the new month I am glad to pick up my routine of planning back. First, let us start with my key planning tips to provide a successful start to the new month.

Purchase a cute planner and Stationary Supplies:

  • For me personally this is a huge one, I find that have a cute planner instead of a plain old boring one will help you be more motivated to use it. I recommend the brand “Create 365: The Happy Planner” from Michael’s Craft Store they have a variety of appealing planners, and the absolute best planner stickers, but do not worry if you cannot get your hands on this one, there are many other ones out there that are just as acceptable.
  • Make it personal, decorate your planner with washi tape, make it bright and colorful with pens or markers, and put in planner stickers to help personalize your planner. I recommend heading to Michael’s, Target, or the dollar store to get cute stationery supplies for cheap. 
  • If you cannot go out and buy these supplies, do not worry because you can improvise and make your own planner with what you have.

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Set a least one Monthly Goal or more if you desire:

  • If you were to set one new goal at the start of the month, and have it inside of your planner as a reminder, I am positive that you will achieve that goal by the end of the month. This could be a goal that’s as small as, “read any new book” or as large as “applying for a new job”, make it your desirable goal. For example, my goal for the month of January was to “start my blog”, and look where I am now, posting my 10th blog post!
  • My monthly goal for February will be to read a new book and finish it because I never do and to also finish one whole course of my online class. This month is about finishing what I started 😉!

Create a Monthly Mantra & Theme:

  • If you are unsure what a Mantra is, it is a word/phrase/or statement repeated frequently that you establish and live through. These are incredibly important when you need to be constantly reminded of something, and I do not mean something you plan, it’s more of a reassurance statement for example a mantra that I know is popular is, “You can get through this”. Make your mantra personal, to what best suits you or what you think you need to hear often. This mantra should be throughout your planner, on a post-it note, on your phone, and even your refrigerator.
  • Onto my next point which is establishing a theme for the month. This may sound a bit silly, but having a theme for a month will help incorporate your goal and mantra into your life. I also find that when having a monthly theme, planning becomes more substantial.
  • My theme for the month of February is Love/feeling loved/loving others, shocker right. I decided since Valentine’s Day is in the middle of the month, I will have Love as my central theme of this month.

Try to have a routine of something everyday:

  • You may be thinking well, I already have a routine everyday, but what I mean is trying to bring a new habit into your life, making it a routine for at least a month. These are just a few common examples; meditation daily, working out for at least an hour each day, or even praying. These are almost like small goals to make a part of your daily routine. Mine for the month of January was to “Practice Gratitude: by stating three things each day that I am grateful for”, (credits to my amazing therapist who gave me this assignment).
  • For the month of February I will continue my Gratitude practice along with mindful journaling everyday this month (I love to journal and I recently bought a new journal with mindful prompts).

Now that I gave the run-down of my key planning tips, I hoped you gained some insight for this upcoming month! Now onto planning my month of February! 💖

What I do to first get started, is to go through the calendar on my phone, since that is where I keep all my important dates/appointment reminders. As a disclaimer, my planner is not as filled as I wanted it to be. I only planned my events in my planner calendar, hopefully for next month’s post I will show you how I plan my week.

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I love how this planner features an area of all things you are doing currently.
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The February Page Theme.

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I hope you guys enjoyed these planning tips, hopefully they are as beneficial to you as they were to me. Like and subscribe if you have not already. Also comment down below what you are looking forward to in February!

xoxo, Ariana. 💕

Check out my last post: Nighttime Skin Care Routine 2018 |Cruelty-Free



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